(June 27, 2014) – In a recent move that caught the entire multifamily industry by surprise, an anonymous donor (The Donor) from a popular multifamily industry blog, acquired the Owl from the “BSitko foundation for the technologically challenged”. The owl supplants the original non-descript logo for the website with a fancier design, inspired by the acquisition.
“It proves the point that we will really buy anything.” said an anonymous source. “We needed a spokescreature and this owl had just the look we were going for. We do give a hoot about spreading information.”
In an interview right after the acquisition, Bill Szczytko, BSitko’s founder and proprietor of the foundation, admitted that his team struggled with the right image but after finding a kit at Michael’s, they managed to nail the perfect look that ultimately whipped the Donor into a frenzy.
The Donor paid a staggering sum of money in the amount of $2.3 million dollars in Monopoly money for rights to the spokescreature.
“It just goes to show that if you build it, they will come,” said Szczytko, “I created a blog post back in November that became an overnight sensation. The demand for this owl was overwhelming. I was fighting off offers but after looking at what The Donor brought to the table, it just made the most sense to team up.”
For the original article that inspired the acquisition, please go here.
About the BSitko.com technologically challenged foundation
Helping you with all things mouse and keyboard. Can’t copy and paste? Hate when windows just says Please Wait? Can’t spell? Don’t worry, the BSitko.com TCF can help you overcome your fears of crashing your computer or misspelling the word technology.
Happy renting and don’t take the world that seriously everyone.